Why Montessori?

Elementary Child at K-Step Montessori

An Integrated Curriculum

The Montessori Method takes the child’s education outside the classroom. This teaches them practical life and social skills that prepare them for the challenges of everyday life.

A well-rounded education helps your child interact with others and their environment with grace and courtesy. It gives them a sense of purpose and belonging by encouraging them to discover their strengths. And it also shows them how to be caring and contributing members of their families and communities.

An Individualized Approach

No child moves at the same pace in their development or learns in the same way. This is why in traditional classroom settings, some children get discouraged when they can’t keep up with the curriculum. Others get bored because they master concepts quicker than others.

Maybe your child loves to devour books, paint pictures, explore the outdoors, or contemplate mathematical equations. A Montessori education will honor their natural abilities and fan the flames of their passions.

By allowing your child to work with the learning materials until they’ve mastered a new skill or concept, your child gets to move at their own pace. This way, they stay challenged and engaged.

The Prepared Environment

When you walk into a Montessori classroom, you’ll notice the children tend to:

– Move freely, but work with purpose for focused blocks of time.

– Be considerate of their environment, themselves, and their peers.

– Play with concrete objects to explore and solve abstract problems.

– Follow an inner drive to learn that doesn’t need the validation of gold stars.

You’ll be greeted by a clean and harmonious space that invites warmth, sparks inspiration, and radiates respect. It might even surprise you to see how calm and content Montessori children are while they work.

Sensory-pleasing learning materials are in reach of children to promote independent exploration. This lets your child follow their curiosities and make personal choices that nurture their specific interests and disposition.

Given a structured environment that encourages freedom of movement, your child will be more motivated to learn and find joy in the process.

Montessori Materials

In early childhood, the hands are the instruments of the mind. Children learn best by doing, touching, seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling.

Montessori Materials are colorful, self-correcting and scientifically-designed objects that allow children to work through play. This engages their complete concentration in a repetitive task until they’re ready to move on to the next challenge.

From the outside, it may look like your child is just stacking blocks, buttoning their own jacket, tracing paper letters or counting beads. But really, they’re learning how to independently problem-solve through these interactive experiences.

This new knowledge will stick deeper in their mind than memorized facts. Because as Maria Montessori put it, “What the hand does the mind remembers”.

Even though these activities feel like a game, your child gets to learn challenging academic concepts in a sequential way. And this teaches them how to think creatively and constructively.

The most important period of life is not the age of University study, but the first one. The period of from birth to age 6.

Dr. Maria Montessori

Mixed Age Classrooms

Since imitation is one of the first instincts of a young child’s mind, the Montessori classroom encourages peer learning. This builds trust and confidence in your child while they test out new concepts.

Mixed age classrooms give older children a chance to mentor younger children. This develops leadership skills and solidifies new knowledge through teaching it. It also allows your child to learn teamwork and peacekeeping skills, enhancing their social skills.

By creating a collaborative, caring and community-minded classroom where observation is a natural learning process, children develop empathy for others and learn how to interact intelligently in social situations.

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